Award-Winning CBD for Humans AND Pets!
Our CBD has done it again! We’re excited to announce that Bluebird Botanicals’ Companion CBD Oil for pets has received a “Best of Supplements” award from Better Nutrition magazine. The annual Best Of Supplement Awards recognize the most exceptional vitamins, minerals, herbs, and supplements on the market. We’re honored to have our Companion CBD Oil for pets featured because we truly invest the same... -
Employee Spotlight: Customer Care Representative Darryl Smith
At Bluebird, our employees are the flesh, blood, and hollow bones (we have to be able to fly, right?) that make up this company. That’s why, every so often, we like to take the opportunity to sit down with one of our staff members and find out a little more about what makes them chirp. This week, we sat down with Darryl Smith, one... -
How Bluebird Botanicals CEO Brandon Beatty Became a Hemp Champion
 Bluebird Botanicals CEO and founder Brandon Beatty has always been interested in the power of plant-based products. He developed a fascination with cannabis and herbs from a young age, and actually used to wander through the aisles of vitamin stores as a teenager, writing down the names of products on a pad and paper to research later. He had a transformative experience as a teenager,... -
Can You Fly With CBD?
Suitcases wheeling along, frenzied folks lining up at check-in kiosks, the sound of terminal shuttles whoooshing by - even pre-pandemic, traveling could be just as challenging as it is enthralling. Sounds like a perfect situation for CBD to come in and save the day...but wait! Isn’t traveling with CBD illegal? Nope! It’s actually completely legal to travel with CBD domestically within the U.S. The 2018 Farm Bill... -
Where Does Bluebird Source Our CBD?
From the hemp plant, of course! While that’s technically true, the real answer is a bit more complex than that. Yes, our CBD comes from the hemp or Cannabis sativa plant. Yes, it has less than 0.3% THC per dry weight per federal regulations. But not all hemp is created equal. How the hemp plants are bred, where they’re grown, and how the crop... -
Bluebird Botanicals Earns B Corp™ Certification
Bluebird Botanicals is extremely excited to announce that the company has officially become a Certified B Corporation®. Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps™ are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. With...