• Where Can I Buy CBD Oil Near Me?

    Where Can I Buy CBD Oil Near Me?

      Finding the right wellness solutions has become increasingly important nowadays. Among the many natural remedies gaining popularity, cannabidiol (CBD) oil has emerged as a sought-after option for those who want to improve their health. Whether you're looking to complement your wellness routine or explore plant-based solutions, CBD oil may be a versatile addition. Key Takeaways: CBD oil is a wellness product, so prioritize...
  • Celebrating Ten Years of Bluebird - A Conversation with Founder Brandon Beatty

    Celebrating Ten Years of Bluebird - A Conversation with Founder Brandon Beatty

        Boy, does time fly! We're so thrilled to celebrate Bluebird's tenth birthday on July 11, 2022. In honor of the occasion, we sat down for a conversation with Bluebird founder and chairman Brandon Beatty to chat about the history of Bluebird and where we hope to go in the future. What inspired the founding of Bluebird? Brandon: I’ve always been interested in herbal medicine...
  • Why Did Bluebird Switch to MCT Oil in Some Products?

    Why Did Bluebird Switch to MCT Oil in Some Products?

    Recently, we switched the carrier oil in some of our products from hemp seed oil or olive oil to organic MCT oil. Since then, we’ve received a few questions from customers wondering how it affects the quality of our products.  To be as transparent as possible, we want to dive into why we made the switch and answer some of your questions about our...
  • Can You Fly With CBD?

    Can You Fly With CBD?

    Suitcases wheeling along, frenzied folks lining up at check-in kiosks, the sound of terminal shuttles whoooshing by - even pre-pandemic, traveling could be just as challenging as it is enthralling. Sounds like a perfect situation for CBD to come in and save the day...but wait! Isn’t traveling with CBD illegal?  Nope! It’s actually completely legal to travel with CBD domestically within the U.S. The 2018 Farm Bill...
  • What Does It Mean To Be A Certified B Corporation®?

    What Does It Mean To Be A Certified B Corporation®?

    Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. But what does this all really mean?  In order to become certified, a company must demonstrate how its...
  • Conversations With Our Founder: How Bluebird Botanicals Got Its Start

    Conversations With Our Founder: How Bluebird Botanicals Got Its Start

    CBD entrepreneur and founder of Bluebird Botanicals shares his challenges and successes with launching one of the nation's oldest hemp CBD companies. Learn more about Brandon's journey with hemp advocacy and pioneering one of the biggest industries of the decade.