Comparing Choices: Melatonin or CBD for Better Sleep Quality

woman in white tank top lying on bed

 A good night’s sleep is good for overall health and well-being. However, many struggle with sleep issues. This has led to various sleep aids on the market. Of these, two more natural options that have become increasingly popular choices are melatonin and CBD.

But between CBD and melatonin, which is the best to help you get healthy sleep?

Let’s explore the following:

  • Benefits and differences between melatonin and CBD

  • Potential side effects of melatonin or CBD for sleep

  • Reasons for choosing Bluebird Botanicals CBD products

Table of Contents

What is Melatonin?
What is CBD?
Pros and Cons of Melatonin vs. CBD
Melatonin vs. CBD Comparison
Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Melatonin and CBD

Try CBD for Sleep

What is Melatonin?

It's a hormone produced inside the pineal gland in the brain. Its functions include helping regulate sleep-wake cycles, which helps maintain your "inner clock," otherwise known as your circadian rhythms.

The production of melatonin is stimulated by normal environmental triggers such as day changing to night, which corresponds with a reduction in blue light exposure. When darkness falls, photoreceptors in your eyes and on your skin perceive the shift, and send signals to the brain and body to prepare for sleep. This includes a ramp up in melatonin production.

Melatonin works by binding to specific receptors that are involved in sleep regulation. These receptors are located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). When melatonin binds to these receptors, it helps to synchronize the body’s internal clock, allowing you to wind down and relax easier.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you high. Instead, it’s popular for a wide range of potential benefits such as enhancing relaxation, improving sleep quality, and more.

CBD interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system. This is responsible for helping to maintain balance within the body and brain, otherwise known as homeostasis.

When you consume CBD, it interacts with receptors in the body and brain, which influences neurotransmitter release that can help reduce stress and allow you to fall asleep easier. This could result in diverse benefits for your health, as poor sleep has been linked to decreased cognition and mood control.

Pros and Cons of Melatonin vs. CBD

selective focus photography of person holding drop bottle

Do you struggle to get sound sleep that's restorative to your body and mind? You're not alone, as trouble sleeping is becoming an increasingly common issue in our modern world filled with bright lights, loud noises, and jam-packed schedules.

As people search for ways to improve sleep, two popular options have emerged: CBD and melatonin.

Here are the pros and cons of CBD or melatonin for sleep.

Melatonin for quality sleep

Some pros include the following:

  • Regulating a sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin supplements can help individuals who struggle with irregular sleep patterns. This includes those with shift work or jet lag from traveling across time zones.

  • Falling asleep faster. Melatonin can help individuals fall asleep faster by promoting relaxation.

  • Improving sleep duration. A melatonin supplement can also help individuals stay asleep throughout the night. This reduces the frequency of waking up and reduces disruptions to your sleep cycle.

  • Enhancing sleep quality. Melatonin can boost the overall quality of sleep. This leads to a more restful, relaxing, and rejuvenating sleep experience.

  • Reducing sleep disturbances. It can help individuals experience fewer disruptions during sleep, reducing wake ups.

Some cons for sleep also include:

  • Daytime drowsiness. Taking melatonin during the day or in higher doses can lead to daytime drowsiness and grogginess. It’s important to follow the recommended dosage and timing to avoid these side effects.

  • Individual differences. Melatonin may affect individuals differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to monitor your response to melatonin supplementation and make adjustments as needed.

  • Hormone disruption. Prolonged use of melatonin dietary supplements can potentially disrupt the body’s natural melatonin production. It's recommended to seek advice from a healthcare expert before beginning melatonin supplements.

  • Not regulated by the FDA. There are many melatonin supplements available on the market, but it remains unregulated by the FDA. This means if you're going to use it, always ensure that the product you buy has the exact ingredients (at the right dosage) that you're looking for, which is then verified by third-party testing.

CBD for quality sleep

Some pros include the following:

  • Calm an overactive mind. Many people take CBD to help them relax and to calm the nervous system. By reducing the "noise" you experience as you lie in bed, you may find it easier to drift off for a better night's sleep.

  • Stay asleep easier. No one likes dealing with wake ups in the middle of the night. CBD can help you get into a deeper sleep state, allowing you to remain asleep throughout the night.

  • Reduce temporary pain and discomfort: An achy body can keep you up tossing and turning all night. CBD can help reduce discomfort, helping your body relax better and fall asleep.

  • Reducing daytime sleepiness. While many people use CBD to relax at night, others use it to combat sleepiness throughout their day. CBD can help improve focus, and these benefits might be even more pronounced when CBD works synergistically with minor cannabinoids like CBG.

  • Versatility in product options. CBD is available in many forms including oils, capsules, gummies, topical creams, and more. This allows you to select the delivery method that best fits your wants and needs.

Similar to melatonin, quality matters when buying CBD products. Always purchase your CBD oils and more from companies who take the time to complete third-party testing. This ensures your products will be free of contaminants, additives, and that they'll contain exactly what you're looking for in a sleep aid.

Some cons for sleep also include:

  • Drowsiness. While CBD isn't known to cause the same level of grogginess as melatonin, it may still for some. It’s ideal to start with a low dose, then gradually increase how you much take based on the effects you're experiencing.

  • Dry mouth. This is uncommon, and can be easily managed by staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water.

  • Changes in appetite. Some people may experience an increase in appetite. Others may experience a decrease in appetite. These changes may not be ideal when you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet, so be aware that CBD has the potential to affect your appetite.

  • Interactions with other medications. The contraindications of taking CBD with prescription medications hasn't been well-studied. If you're already on medications, it's important to speak with your doctor before adding additional supplements like CBD to your wellness routine.

  • Lack of regulation in the CBD industry. The CBD industry is new and still largely unregulated. Some products may contain inaccurate labels, misleading claims, or even harmful additives. To ensure you're getting a high-quality CBD product, it’s crucial to do your research.

Shop for CBD Products

Melatonin vs. CBD Comparison

Here’s a table comparison of melatonin vs. CBD:





Derived from

Naturally occurring hormones in the body

From the cannabis plant


Over-the-counter supplement

Legality varies depending on where you live, and it may be restricted or require a prescription.


Used for sleep regulation

Broader range of potential benefits


More severe side effects

Well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience side effects


More affordable option

Factors that can influence the cost of CBD include the type of product, CBD concentration, and the brand's reputation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Melatonin and CBD

When deciding between melatonin and CBD to improve sleep quality, there are factors to consider:

  • Sleep issues. Determine the specific sleep issues you’re experiencing. Are you struggling with chronic or occasional sleeplessness? This can help determine whether melatonin, CBD, or even a stronger option is more suitable for your needs. If you're unsure, speak with your doctor about what's right for you.

  • Underlying health conditions. Consider some underlying health conditions you may have. Some conditions may interact with melatonin or CBD. So, it’s important to consult with a healthcare expert before starting any sleep aid.

  • Personal preferences. Consider your personal preferences when it comes to natural sleep aids. Some individuals may prefer the straightforward nature of melatonin supplements, while others may prefer the more wide-ranging benefits CBD can have for sleep, mood, recovery, and more.

  • Quality and safety. Ensure that the melatonin or CBD product you choose is of high quality and reputable. Look for third-party lab testing and clear dosage instructions. Also, consider positive customer reviews to ensure you’re getting a safe and effective product.

If you're looking to make your CBD search easy, Bluebird Botanicals’ range of CBD products is a reliable option for those seeking high-quality CBD. All of our products are third-party tested and certified by the U.S. Hemp Authority. Check us out today!