Answering the Web’s Most Searched Questions About CBD

CBD has become such a national craze that the number of online searches for CBD-related queries has surpassed just about every celebrity and trend you can think of. And yet, these queries have revealed that most people searching for CBD still have a lot of fundamental questions about this new health craze - questions like, what is it? What does it do? How does one use it properly?
Bluebird has been in the CBD game since 2013 - in fact, we were one of the very first CBD companies in the nation. Bluebird has been involved in the CBD industry since 2013, making us one of the early pioneers in the space - and today, we’re here to answer the web’s most searched questions about CBD.
What is CBD? What does CBD stand for?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of 110+ naturally occurring cannabinoid compounds found in the Cannabis sativa L. plant.
What does CBD do? / What is CBD oil good for?
CBD and other cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system, a network involved in various physiological processes. Ongoing research is exploring their potential effects.
The main responsibility of the endocannabinoid system is homeostasis, or maintaining a balanced internal environment, throughout various organs, processes, systems, and functions from conception to death.
This system consists of messenger molecules called endocannabinoids (namely Anandamide and 2-AG), cannabinoid receptors (namely CB1 and CB2), and the enzymes that make or breakdown endocannabinoids.
CBD interacts with various receptors and enzymes in the body, including FAAH, which is involved in the breakdown of certain cannabinoids. Research into its full effects is ongoing. This in turn allows these endocannabinoids to hang out longer in the bloodstream and continue interacting with the endocannabinoid system.
Related Article: ECS 101: Breaking Down The Endocannabinoid System
Where to buy CBD oil
CBD is legal to purchase almost anywhere in the United States, with the exception of South Dakota. The 2018 Farm Bill made the domestic cultivation and commerce of hemp and hemp-derived CBD fully federally legal for the first time in over 40 years. This opened up the CBD market in the United States, although businesses and farmers are still awaiting further regulations on the use of CBD as a food additive.
However, it’s still completely legal for anyone to purchase and consume , as long as the product contains no more than 0.3% THC by dry weight. Plus, it’s becoming a lot more accessible - you can purchase CBD online, at specialty CBD stores, and even in major grocery chains and mass-market retailers like Whole Foods, Sephora, and CVS.
Get Bluebird CBD delivered right to your doorstep by shopping our online store, or check out our interactive map to find a store near you that carries our award-winning products.
How to use CBD oil
There are different types of CBD products that involve different application methods. CBD oils, tinctures, soft gels, and edibles are among the most popular types of products available right now and are intended to be ingested orally. However, you can also buy CBD topical products such as lotions and roll-ons, as well as products for vaporizing or smoking. Make sure you read your product label thoroughly for directions before using it.
How to make CBD oil
CBD oil is made by extracting the cannabinoid from the cannabis plant, purifying it, and blending with other ingredients. For example, Bluebird makes its CBD oil by using one of three extraction methods - CO2, ethanol, or steam distillation - to separate the cannabinoids. Then, these extracts are emulsified, or blended, with natural carrier oils such as organic hemp seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, or fractionated coconut (MCT) oil.
How much/how many drops of CBD oil should I take?
As with all dietary products, the effects will vary from person to person, so a bit of experimentation is required.
Some people take as little as one drop a day. Others take 30 drops four times a day. Consistency is what matters the most in achieving the desired results. Bluebird’s suggested serving size for our regular-strength CBD oils is 15 drops twice a day. This is a good starting place for the first few weeks; from there, experimentation with the amount and frequency is helpful to find out what works best for your body.
How long does CBD oil stay in your system?
Upon consumption, CBD may stay present in the blood for about three to five days. However, any immediate effects typically only last for a few hours. Results vary from person to person.
How long does it take for CBD to work?
It is unique to every individual. Some people may begin to notice effects right away, but for more, it takes a couple of weeks and even sometimes up to a month. The important thing to ensure efficiency is consistency - make sure you’re taking the same amount at roughly the same time(s) of day.
What drugs should not be taken with CBD?
CBD is generally well-tolerated, but it may interact with certain prescription medications. It’s best to consult with a healthcare provider before use. We always recommend consulting a medical professional before beginning a daily CBD regimen.
How much CBD oil should I give my dog?
Similarly to humans, each dog’s endocannabinoid system is unique and therefore the ideal amount will be different per pup. If using Bluebird’s Companion CBD Oil, we recommend starting with our standard serving size of 0.5 mL once or twice a day. Each serving of Companion CBD Oil delivers 5 mg of CBD. After a week or two of consistent daily servings, you can add additional servings or even try a more concentrated product like our Companion Soft Gels with 15 mg of CBD per serving.
What is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?
Hemp oil can be a confusing term because it sometimes refers to hemp seed oil, and other times it refers to activated hemp extract. Hemp seeds do not contain cannabinoids such as CBD, whereas hemp extract does.
Bluebird Botanicals’ products are all activated hemp extracts containing CBD and other cannabinoids. Our Hemp Classic product contains both activated hemp extract and hemp seed oil.
What does CBD feel like?
Unlike its fellow cannabinoid THC, CBD does not cause any feeling of being “high.” Additionally, the feeling that users do experience from CBD varies from person to person. Generally, CBD can promote homeostasis in the body and a feeling of general wellness and balance.
What is full-spectrum CBD?
Full-spectrum CBD refers to hemp extracts that include a variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other naturally occurring plant compounds. Full-spectrum extracts do contain trace amounts of THC, but it must be no more than 0.3% by dry weight. Conversely, broad-spectrum CBD products are similar to full-spectrum products but contain less than 0.01% THC and minimal terpenes.
What is CBD isolate?
CBD isolate is the purest CBD product you can get - 99.99% pure, to be exact. CBD isolate begins as a full-spectrum extract and goes through several rounds of winterization to strip away all additional cannabinoids and compounds, leaving a white, crystallized powder with only CBD present.
How long does CBD oil last?
Bluebird’s CBD oils last up to 500 days unrefrigerated when stored in a cool, dark place. However, most customers use their products well before their expiration dates. Our 1 oz bottles last 30 days and 2 oz bottles last 60 days.
Where is CBD oil legal?
The 2018 Farm Bill made the domestic production and commerce of hemp and its derivatives permanently, federally legal for the first time in over 40 years. Therefore, CBD oil is legal to purchase and consume anywhere in the U.S. with the exception of South Dakota, which currently does not permit CBD sales within the state.
Can CBD oil get you high?
CBD itself is a non-psychoactive compound, so it will not get you high. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the compound in cannabis that creates the intoxicating effect. Many CBD oils contain small amounts of THC. In full-spectrum hemp extracts, the presence of CBD may influence how THC interacts with the body. However, effects vary based on individual factors and product concentration.
Does CBD oil have THC?
Full-spectrum CBD oil contains only a very small amount of THC. FDA guidelines stipulate that it must be less than 0.3% by dry weight. Broad-spectrum CBD Oils can only contain up to 0.01% by dry weight. THC and CBD are just two of more than 110 cannabinoids present in full-spectrum hemp extracts; CBD, however, is the main one present.
How long does it take for CBD to take effect?
Some people may feel the effects of CBD immediately, but most need to take the product for five to seven days or even longer to notice any changes. Again, consistency is key in producing any kind of notable result.
Is hemp gluten-free?
Hemp is indeed gluten-free!
Can I fly with CBD oil?
Yes! The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) updated their guidelines in May of 2019 so that it is now expressly legal to fly with hemp-derived CBD oil.
Prior to this change, TSA did not distinguish between marijuana and hemp-derived cannabis products. But with the 2018 Farm Bill making hemp federally legal, TSA saw it appropriate to update their guidelines to align with new federal regulations.
According to the TSA’s new guidelines,
“Products/medications that contain hemp-derived CBD or are approved by the FDA are legal as long as it is produced within the regulations defined by the law under the Agriculture Improvement Act 2018.”
What does CBD oil taste like?
CBD oils with no artificial flavoring are often described as having an earthy, plant-like taste. Many hemp lovers enjoy the taste of pure extracts; however, for those who dislike the flavor, there are many other different types of CBD products with delicious flavors and sweeteners.
Do you need a prescription for CBD oil?
You do not need a prescription to purchase CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC content. However, there are some oils with THC content that exceed this limit; depending on the state you live in, you may need to be a licensed medical marijuana patient to purchase those types of products.
What is the best CBD oil?
I mean...we’re allowed to toot our own horn here, right?
Bluebird Botanicals has been in the CBD game since 2013, which means we’ve had over eight years to perfect our award-winning full-spectrum hemp extracts to deliver what we believe to be the best CBD oils on the market.
Still have questions about CBD? Check out our free guide, Finding Success with CBD, to learn more.