It's no secret that many pet owners explore CBD as part of their pets' wellness routine.That's part of why many pet owners have been turning to CBD to help maintain health and wellness for their pups. But, after you've talked with the vet and determined that CBD is a good fit for your pooch, you still have to consider a few things to get them... -
Is CBD for Pets Safe?
While the amount of hemp-derived CBD products for humans has grown tenfold over the past few years, what about CBD products for pets? Are they safe? Are they effective? And where’s the proof? TL;DR: Yes, CBD is safe for pets! All vertebrates have a network of cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors called the endocannabinoid system. This system enables CBD and other cannabinoids to interact with... -
Guide for Introducing CBD to Cats
Why would a cat need CBD? They’ve got nine lives, right? Turns out, cats can benefit from CBD in just the same way that humans and dogs can. All vertebrates, including our feline friends, are endowed with an endocannabinoid system that allows CBD to interact with the body. Basically, it’s the ultimate gift for health and wellness. Our recommended serving size for our own... -
How to Talk to Your Pet About CBD
Hello, floof! How's my fuzzy floof doing? Are you the bestest, fuzziest, floofiest floof in the world? Yes, you are! Guess what?! I've got a special for you tonight! You know how you like those nutritious treats from the puppy store so much? Well, I found a new treat that's supposed to be the healthiest treat of all for humans AND floofs! It's called CBD and it comes from cannabis...