• Celebrating Bluebird’s Commitment to People

    Celebrating Bluebird’s Commitment to People

    Happy February, flock! The Bluebirds have started the new year off with a bang. As you may have heard, Bluebird Botanicals recently became a Certified B Corporation® that meets the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. This certification reaffirms our commitment as a mission-driven company to a triple bottom line: people, profits, and planet.  Our team is equally ecstatic and humbled to receive...
  • Bluebird Botanicals Passes Third-Party GMP Audit With 100% Score

    Bluebird Botanicals Passes Third-Party GMP Audit With 100% Score

    Since its humble beginnings in 2012, Bluebird Botanicals has been on a mission to make a happy and healthy lifestyle radically accessible to all. The team has lived out this mission through a fierce adherence to quality and transparency because we want every customer to feel empowered and confident in taking products that they can trust. As a demonstration of our commitment to our...
  • Employee Spotlight: Customer Care Representative Darryl Smith

    Employee Spotlight: Customer Care Representative Darryl Smith

    At Bluebird, our employees are the flesh, blood, and hollow bones (we have to be able to fly, right?) that make up this company. That’s why, every so often, we like to take the opportunity to sit down with one of our staff members and find out a little more about what makes them chirp. This week, we sat down with Darryl Smith, one...
  • How to Recycle Bluebird Botancials CBD Bottles

    How to Recycle Bluebird Botancials CBD Bottles

    Downloadable Bottle Recycling 1-Pager Ever wondered how to dispose of your Bluebird CBD bottles? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! Just follow the instructions below, or downloadable our bottle recycling 1-pager to ensure your Bluebird CBD bottles are properly disposed of. Pro-tip: These instructions can also be applied to recycling your old tincture or essential oil bottles! For the more upcycle-inclined of you, check out...
  • Bluebird’s Business Procedures During COVID-19

    Bluebird’s Business Procedures During COVID-19

    As one of the very first CBD companies and an industry pioneer, Bluebird has over six years of experience perfecting our quality. Leaning into that experience, we are working on preserving the integrity of our lab in response to COVID-19. While we have always prided ourselves on our industry-leading quality control system and pristine facility, we are adjusting some of our business practices in...
  • Bluebird Botanicals Earns B Corp™ Certification

    Bluebird Botanicals Earns B Corp™ Certification

    Bluebird Botanicals is extremely excited to announce that the company has officially become a Certified B Corporation®. Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps™ are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. With...