• Where to Find Bluebird CBD In Stores

    Where to Find Bluebird CBD In Stores

      Online shopping isn’t your only option for getting the CBD you love. Bluebird CBD is sold in brick and mortar stores all over the country! So whether you’re heading out for a self-care shopping spree or just trying to knock out two birds with one stone on your next grocery run, we’ll meet you where you are. Here’s where you can find Bluebird...
  • Where Does Bluebird Source Our CBD?

    Where Does Bluebird Source Our CBD?

    From the hemp plant, of course! While that’s technically true, the real answer is a bit more complex than that. Yes, our CBD comes from the hemp or Cannabis sativa plant. Yes, it has less than 0.3% THC per dry weight per federal regulations. But not all hemp is created equal. How the hemp plants are bred, where they’re grown, and how the crop...