• What’s Happened Since the 2018 Farm Bill?

    What’s Happened Since the 2018 Farm Bill?

    Happy anniversary, legal hemp! Today marks a very special occasion for the hemp industry. It’s been exactly one year since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, a momentous piece of legislation that removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act and made it permanently, federally legal. This bill was a huge triumph for the industry and opened up the world to CBD like never...
  • 2018 Farm Bill: Hemp is Now Permanently Legal for First Time in 40 Years

    2018 Farm Bill: Hemp is Now Permanently Legal for First Time in 40 Years

    The 2018 Farm Bill Has Passed Hemp, hemp, hooray! Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill, which removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, distinguishing it from marijuana under federal law. Earlier this year, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) proposed including the entire language of The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 in the Senate’s version of the 2018 Farm Bill. This language included amendments to several...
  • Colorado Voters: What's the Deal With Hemp in Amendment X?

    Colorado Voters: What's the Deal With Hemp in Amendment X?

    We've been hearing a lot of questions about our view on Colorado's Amendment X (the official write-up of the amendment can be seen here on page 6).   This proposal on the November ballot would, if passed, amend the Colorado Constitution to remove the current definition of 'industrial hemp' and defer to the current federal definition of hemp. Bluebird strongly supports this amendment because Colorado...
  • 5 Ancient Uses of Hemp

    5 Ancient Uses of Hemp

    Humans have known about the benefits of hemp for a long time. As in, 10,000 years at least. Shortly after discovering the plant, our ancestors immediately began incorporating hemp into their daily lives in many different forms. These uses ultimately paved the way for the advancement of human civilization. Here are the top five ways humans have utilized hemp throughout history: 1. Fiber The...