What Is A Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract?

CBD is a cannabis compound that has been taking the health and wellness realm by storm in recent years. While some prefer CBD isolate products, it’s the “full-spectrum hemp extracts” - CBD products made using the whole cannabis plant - that have been stealing a lot of the limelight.
Related Article: CBD Isolate vs. Full-Spectrum CBD Oil
But if it isn’t just CBD that has everyone and their grandma interested in CBD, what else is prompting the interest? And what exactly is in your CBD aside from cannabinoids?
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the constitution of the cannabis plant and find out!

Bluebird’s Hemp Extract Breakdown
CBD oil and other CBD product offerings are extracted from the Cannabis Sativa L. or hemp plant. The resulting extract contains naturally occurring compounds such as all-star cannabidiol (CBD), as well as many other phytocannabinoids like cannabigerol (CBG), cannabichromene (CBC), and cannabinol (CBN). Each of these are non-psychoactive and closely related to CBD.
When olivetolic acid and geranyl pyrophosphate combine in the plants, they produce cannabigerolic acid. It can be extremely difficult to extract CBG because most varieties of cannabis plants convert CBG into THC or CBD by the time the plant is mature for harvest.
CBC, another phytocannabinoid found in Bluebird CBD products, is produced over time within hemp plants when CBGA (the acidic form of CBG) and the CBCA enzyme synthesize to create CBCA, an acidic form of CBC.
Unlike CBC, CBN is not derived from CBGA. Instead, it is formed in hemp plants when an acid called CBNA undergoes decarboxylation.
But there are also other beneficial natural molecules and phytochemical compounds in addition to cannabinoids that are found in full-spectrum hemp extracts.
Let’s Talk About Terpenes
Terpenes are organic compounds and isomeric hydrocarbons (C10H16) found within hemp flower excretions. At Bluebird Botanicals, we develop the genetics for our hemp in highly-specialized greenhouses and source our crops from outdoor farms, which use no pesticides. These farms cultivate specialty hemp plants specifically bred for the production of hemp extracts and CBD oil.
Related Article: Everything You Need to Know About Terpenes and Hemp
In most cases, each cannabis strain’s unique characteristics are determined by the scent of its terpenes. These peculiar and powerful molecules influence the taste and feel of hemp extract. In addition to being an essential component of our products, terpenes are commonly leveraged in the production of balsams, essential oils, and other plant by-products.
The most common terpenes found in Bluebird Botanicals’ hemp extracts are Myrcene, Beta-caryophyllene, Terpinolene, Linalool, alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene, Nerolidol og Phytol, trans-alpha-Bergamotene, Limonene/ beta-Phellandrene (Co-elution), and alpha-Humulene.
For more on these do-gooders found in full-spectrum hemp extracts, as well as explanations of additional helpful cannabis terms, you can check out Bluebird Botanicals Glossary of Helpful CBD Terms.